Social media marketing trends

June 7, 2018 1:19 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Social media platforms continually introduce new features and functions that change the way digital marketers create and distribute content. Maintaining awareness of popular social media trends helps to stay competitive and utilise trends to your business’ advantage.

Here are three social media trends to watch out for:

Influencer marketing
Influencers are taking over the social media landscape, particularly on Instagram. Influencers are generally bloggers or celebrities that have the power to influence their target audiences. The benefit of using influencers is that they can deliver a message to a large amount of people. This can help to increase awareness and reach new audiences. Influencers are also credible and trustworthy in their follower’s eyes, making their message more impressionable on their audience.

Instagram Stories
The growth in the use of Instagram Stories is hard to ignore. Over 200 million users use Stories each month, which has overtaken Snapchat. Instagram Stories allow a user to upload a photo or video for their followers to view which expires after 24 hours. Businesses can use Stories to highlight their products/services without having to upload them to stay on their permanent profile. Stories can be useful for competitions, blog posts or advertising a product as a link to your website can be added.

Rise of artificial intelligence
Special filters on Snapchat and Instagram are just one example of the rise in artificial intelligence. Many brands are tapping into special filters with their own branded custom filters. Artificial intelligence is also assisting businesses with managing their communication, i.e., chatbots on Messenger or websites designed to answer all sorts of queries.

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