What you need to know about BFAs

December 11, 2019 11:05 am Published by Leave your thoughts

A Binding Financial Agreement (BFA) is the Australian equivalent of a prenup. It is used to agree in advance on how a couple’s property and other assets would be distributed should their marriage or de facto relationship break down. The Agreement can cover financial settlement, spousal maintenance and any other incidental issues.

BFA’s can be entered into at any stage of a relationship, i.e. before, during or after a marriage or de facto relationship. Couples may consider entering into a BFA if one party has more property, assets or is expected to receive an inheritance at a later stage.

Some benefits of entering a Binding Financial Agreement include:

  • Establishing a level of reassurance if one or both partners has been through a separation or divorce before.
  • Protecting some or all of the assets from each party.
  • Being able to specify the ground rules when it comes to how the couple will acquire property, who will pay the bills, and where weekly wages or income will be saved.
  • Preserve family or other businesses for future generations.

Properly drafted and executed BFA’s are particularly beneficial for those who want to establish a level of reassurance that there would be a harmonious division of property and assets in the circumstance of separation or divorce without the need for stressful court action. A BFA can also make both parties feel secure knowing that any property or assets accumulated before their relationship or marriage is safe.

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